In my series, I always combine sweet and macabre elements, which form a strangely cohesive narrative, meticulously arranged in symmetrical geometries that evoke the supernatural, in an atmosphere of sweet decadence.
I remember that as a child I was fascinated with illustrations in old science books and cabinet of curiosities. I adore collecting toys, skeletons, insects and forgotten objects that I find in flea markets. I like to think that hidden behind their shapes, functions or purposes are their souls, a story to tell, made up of places and unknown emotions.

Death Of a Forest Fairy

Inside Me

Silence of the Lambs


Magical Ingredients

Lost in BunnyLand

The Secret Garden

Ex Voto


Brains for Dessert

Through the Mirror

Victorian Memories

Siamese Dreams


Lost Paradise

Fake Dream

Haunted Mansion

Tea Time

The Butterfly Collector

White Dream

The Magical Wand

True Love

Soul Mates

Happy Family

My Little Pony

Genetic Mutation


Far From the Sky

Artificial Paradise

She is The Fairest of Them All

Kids Nightmare

The Perfect Gift