Cristina Burns’s work Stop Playing, part of her Delusional Parasitosis series, was featured in the exhibition Ten paciencia, mujer, que eres oscura: el mito patriarcal de las mujeres enfermas (Be Patient, Woman, for You Are Obscure: The Patriarchal Myth of Sick Women) at the Centro de la Cultura Teodoro Cuesta in Mieres, Asturias, Spain.
The exhibition explored themes surrounding the societal and patriarchal constructs that frame women's illnesses, delving into how these narratives influence perceptions of gender, health, and identity. Through a variety of artistic expressions, the event challenged these entrenched myths, creating a space for reflection and dialogue about the intersection of gender and medical discourse.
Burns’s Stop Playing was prominently showcased, not only as part of the exhibition but also as its visual centerpiece, featured on the official exhibition poster. Additionally, the artwork was selected as the backdrop for an interview with the curator, broadcast on Spanish national television (RTVE), further amplifying its visibility and impact.

Stop Playing